Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:05 pm
My evolution is a funny one. My first foray was getting a Kraken when I found the funding campaign on this site when looking for parts for my vintage single hose regs. What perfect timing! Then, after hanging here a bit, I decided to get a DA. Scoured the scene for a bit, and found one on the "big auction site". Figured my budget, and bid, with a maximum established. During the process, it was doing okay, but then all of the sudden, a gem popped up with a "buy now" option that was fantastic. Immediately pulled the trigger (three minutes into the posting) before it went into bidding phase. Then, I ended up winning the damn auction too! Okay, now I have 2..... Both went off to Bryan, and were refurbished two different ways. From there, it became addictive, and the collection has grown (needed a DIN version), and another one was added. Then, I got a "less than perfect" one to pimp out and specifically dive in salt water for a vacation trip. After my daughter test dove it one day, I was instructed to get her one must spoil the child... Then, I somehow got interested in the Voit Trieste. Got an original, and also one with Rob's FX cans...
By no means am I "heavy" in them compared to others, but 8 of them are here in my home....
No Longer Awaiting my Kraken.....