Vintage Divers of America - "VDA" for Short...
I got a goofy idea the other day and thought I'd run it past our vintage loving forum members...
Since my Midwest buddies and I seem to be the only group that regularly schedules Vintage Dive Events, why don't we take the bull by the horns and form an official governing body to do the same thing nationwide? It's not as complicated as it seems to just choose some dates from the calendar. But I think the communication to all of the divers needs a different method. Social Media stuff just scrolls away into oblivion and with all of the censorship, very few of us even look at FB anymore. On the other hand, the forums have lost participants lately... Even though they continue to store loads of valuable information.
What we need is
1. A place to post and store our schedule for easy access and that won't scroll away. (Forums can work great for this)
2. A simple direct mailing method to pro-actively notify members of additions or changes to the schedule. I propose simple text messaging via our phones.
Keep It Simple
1. Leave motel reservations, group dining, entertainment,... whatever,... To the divers who show up. That's what WE do and we've been having a great time getting together to dive vintage SEVERAL times each year.
2. No formal incorporation, election of officers, etc. We just post our VDA schedule as usual on the vintage forums and anyone who wants to participate can send in their own scheduled dive dates and share their mobile phone number (privately) for updates.