I joined the VDH community in 2006. Back then Bryan had a yearly get together called Sanddog. We would meet in the Florida and dive the springs together. It was a real good time. Here is a video I did about Sanddog 10. It kind of gives you the flavor of the event. https://vimeo.com/591282469?share=copy Now, I have been working through some health issues and I am entering semi retirement, so I probably won't be able to attend. However, in the interest of keeping vintage diving alive I thought I would take the opportunity to instigate the youngen's in an effort to bring this event back. It is normally held in late March, early April in the Florida Springs. It's a great venue to meet fellow vintage divers and an opportunity to test equipment that you have worked on in the winter months. There is of course an informal swap meet involved.
I am hoping that a local Floridian would take up the torch and find a decent motel where we could all stay for the meet up. Someone who also knows the local restaurants that could handle say twenty five of so divers. As a side note... Ron has been working at keeping this forum alive. An event like this may breath some fresh air into it. That would be a good thing! How about it? What do you guys think?