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Sand Dog X

Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:33 pm

Ok, I know I'm the new guy on the block and taking a huge risk here...but...

I learned about Sand Dog IX at the last minute, drove to PCB and met the guys, had a blast and learned a lot. Even managed to get in a picture or two without even trying. So, let me just leap ahead and toss out my humble but ambitious suggestion for the next Sand Dog gathering: Hawaii!

There. I said it.

Any thoughts? Comments?

My only trip to Hawaii was in '93 to be in a wedding. The two who got married left for a week (when you live in Hawaii where do you go for a honeymoon?!) and let me use their apartment. With nothing to do one day I rented some gear, got on a boat and went diving.


Dove the Mahi wreck and the Makaha Caverns. Must be seen to be believed. Have always wanted to return--and take my wife. I can't think of more fun than combining dives in the warm and friendly waters of Hawaii with vintage gear.

And everybody speaks English!

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