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Re: Single Tank Wing

Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:46 pm

The 30 pound wing from DGX looks great to me. And a 30# wing is the best do it all, all around size IMO. A 30# lift wing can handle from singles and drysuits all the way to naked if that were the thing. :D I do have an Oxy 30# Mach V wing and my Oxy 30# has excellent trim as well, and I would assume DGX version thereof would have excellent trim also. Mine is a very early Mach V and did not have cam band slots, which I added a couple of years ago.

Curious, does the DGX wing have a textile inner bladder or the polyvinyl? I hope someday to see a return to single envelope or self bladder wings to improve venting and reduce travel weight and packability.

Speaking of DGX, I enjoy doing buisness with them. They are fast to ship too and usually good prices. Their DGX regulator appears to be a clone of the Mark 25 with ACD no less and the G260 second. Sometimes I wonder how important having the "S" decal is. But sometimes panache is important, other times not.

I just bought a Kraken 1500-WSR focus light from DGX and it was on my door in two days flat! And they had the lowest price too! Yep, made in China :| .


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