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The Hans Hass book list

Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:05 pm

yes, i am happy to see a section dedicated to diving literature. i am wondering if 21 can share what he might consider the more "rare" books by this diving legend, those published in english. i know that professor hass has written a number of books and i hope we can discuss each of them in time. thanks 21,


Hans Hass American books

Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:03 am

This is a list of Hans Hass's books published in America;

DIVING TO ADVENTURE--1951 -Double day

MANTA--1952 -Rand Mcnalley

MEN AND SHARKS--1954 - Doubleday

WE COME FROM THE SEA--1959 -Doubleday

CHALLENGING THE DEEP -- 1972 -William Murrow

MEN BENEATH THE SEA-- 1975 St. Martin's press

His books were also published in the UK under different titles and at about the same time frame. These UK books are often seen on E bay and generally are marketed from the UK.

Two of Hass's books were only published in the UK;

EXPEDITION TO THE UNKNOWN -- 1965 -Hutchenson of London.

THE GIRL ON THE OCEARN FLOOR -- 1972 - Harrop of London. Very rare and generally sells around $100 or more. It is really about his wife Lotte of course contains lots of photographs.

One is only published in Germany;
FOTOJAGD AM MEERESGRUND-- 1942 -HARZBURG (hard cover!) Also very rare, especially in US contains lots of UW photos taken in the 1930s and they are suprisingly good quality.

It is interesting to note this book was published 3 years after the start of WW11 (1939) and 3 years before it ended (1945) --right in the middle of WW11 Hass had a hard cover book printed in war torn Germany! He must have been famous and had some sort of connections. By the way,Hans Hass was not German, he was from Vienna, Austria buy he received his doctorate at University of Berlin.

All are great reading books and should be in every diver's library

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Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:53 pm

Manta was also published under the title of Under the Red Sea.

Diving to Adventure was used as the title for his BBC television series as well as the book.



Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:03 pm


Manta was also published under the title of Under the Red Sea.
The list was of the American titles, English and German titles different

Diving to Adventure was used as the title for his BBC television series as well as the book.

1949-1950 UNDER THE RED SEA --B&W--RKO

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