Silent world; The rarest 1953 edition

Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:41 pm

When the Cousteau book the "Silent World" was first published in the US by Harper & Rowe in 1953 it became an immediate best seller. It's popularity in the US lead to it's being published in 23 different languages through out the world, therefore it is generally consided a very common book and is often overlooked by the collector.

There is one edition, however that is highly prized and collected by bibliophiles -- that is the Spring 1953 Readers Digest edition. Now 54 years later good clean editions with dust jackets are almost impossible to find. When one is located in near mint condition it is like finding an unused Broxton in an original box--rare! Of course they also bring "Top Dollar"

The Spring 1943 edition is rare for several reasons;
1) It is a Readers Digest edition
2) Readers Digest s were considered disposalble
3) Most readers tossed or damaged the Dust Jacket
4) Steinbeck's East of Eden was also featured in the Spring 1953.

These Spring 1953 editions are becoming increasingly rare but on occasion they do turn up, So be on the look out Spring 1953 Readers Digest---
(Yes I have not one but two in dust jackets.)


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