While looking around the interweb of lies today I found an interesting link to the underwater scenes shot with model boats , submersibles, and Scuba Steve dolls. One thing I found interesting, being a rebreather diver myself, is the "heliox rig" they used is supposedly a rebreather yet it emits a constant stream of exhalation bubbles. Huum, either they didn't do the pos/neg pressure checks correctly or someone in the props dept didn't do their research proper. Eitherway, it was a good film, despite 007 being played by Roger the Dodger. The link below has some good insight to the behind the scenes of that sequence:
http://www.modelshipsinthecinema.com/20 ... -1981.html
And if you ever find yourself in Nassau, try and dive the Bond sites. Most are shallow and one area is snorkel depth with multiple films being shot there. My wife and I really enjoyed the looooong BT we had on those sites. They are all doublehose-worthy without question.