I bought a Porpoise in 1976. They were only available to the military by that time, but I managed to get one. It was confirmed by Ted Eldred to be the last one ever sold to the public. When I moved to Australia in 2005, I wanted to get a Sea Bee. They were the second one and started in 1954. The Porpoise was never patented, so other companies followed suit. I went to Air Dive and was told they had seen one in many years. However, they looked around and found one which had been used to test new parts. It was rebuilt and became the last sea Bee ever sold. Mine is a 1957 model.
This is a Sea Bee on twin 26 cu ft tanks
This is the last Sea Bee regulator to be sold. A modern version is now available, but the name Sea Bee is no longer on it.