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Posters / Signs / Pamphlets?

Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:41 pm

This saturday I was at my LDS showing off my Phoenix Nozzle, and "Preachin The Gospel" of Vintage Diving; with quite an interested audience I might add. I received a great deal of interest about the Phoenix Nozzle AND VINTAGE DIVING! :D Thinking about this while I was on my way home I couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have a small Poster/ Sign / Pamphlet or whatever to put on the bulletin boards at our LDS's. These would certainly let others know that the Two Hose Reg has not been forgotten, and is "Alive and Doing Quite Well"! This would also be a way to let other prospective vintage divers know about our websites and how to contact us to be of any assistance that we can to introduce them to "REAL DIVING; THE WAY IT USED TO BE"! :)
Just my thought; so what do you guy's think? Happy Holidays To All!
Terry Stevens
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Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:25 am

OK, cool idea. OK, then, here is the thing, we cannot depend upon Bryan to make the cards, make the poster, get the vintage movie going etc.

I think that this is a great idea and falls in line with my plans for the next year of "showing the flag" so to speak for NAVED. A poster that could when folded serve as a pamphlet would be a great image builder. My initial suggestion and it is just a first off the sleeve, please jump in anybody, would be to place the NAVED across the top in bold with it spelled out just below. Next below would be a picture of the NAVED I.D. card and then a short paragraph with a description of who and what NAVED is. Then inserted along the margins and bottom some photographs of vintage divers, equipment etc to add interest.

OK, if y'all design it I will try to front the money to have the handbill/poster/pamphlet made up and printed and mailed out to you guys to distribute (within reason--my oil well has about run out).

Do we have any photoshop people who can make some design ideas from which to select or get a start from?

Plan B, if nobody helps me then I may at least need some photos and art work so I can go pay somebody to do this.


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Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:31 am

I have a 3 fold pamplet that is almost done but it cost a fortune to have it printed.....I'll see if Rip can post some of it for you to look over.....Not saying it is the end all but I was trying to get somethign out for Weekie and Portage Quarry.
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Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:13 am

Looks really cool so far. I really like the pic of Tom with his homemade camera housing! That thing was a work of art!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tom is one talented dude.

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:50 am

Well, wow, that is exactly what I was thinking excdept it would say NAVED etc on it. Can we model up something like that for NAVED?

What constitues a fortune?


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Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:15 am

Feel free to use what I have and run with it. At the time I priced it I think it came out to be like 10 cents each! That was right before Portage which is the event that I wanted it for. As long as I have my logo or a sponsored by with a weblink somewhere on it I will be happy to match funds with whatever the rest of the bunch throws in to make it happen.
I was working on line with Vista print but use whomever can make it happen for us and make it look good! JMO but some photocopies POS looking flyer that you see tacked up at the grocery store is not the look that I want associated with us....
Doing it right should include some common sense, not just blindly following specs and instructions. .Gary D, AWAP on SB

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:04 am

Maybe it's time to consider a yearly dues to fund promotions and the like.

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:44 pm

This was not my idea though I think it ihas been mentioned before, this time by Duckbill.

Uh, yes, I agree, I was not thinking of a cheap photocopy. I was thinking of something small emough to be triple folded as a brochure rather than a poster but that requires double side printing.

Dues, well, yes and no. As mentioned by Bryan and again some time ago by me, I just would not feel right about collecting dues until there is an elected treasuer or a small board who would then appoint such a person to be RESPONSIBLE for whatever money.

Back to the brochure--if the back side had the NAVED card on it and the front side something very similar to the idea posted by Bryan (and Ripper) how would that set with y'all?

Yes, it should have a sponsered by VDH credit--perhaps in semi-bold along the bottom?

I am just throwing out ideas, please add yours so we can talk themover.

Time frame---I would like to see this pretty much completed by the end of January.



Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:07 pm

First off- I'm not NAVED yet. But here goes some opinions anyway. The first page shown is great however for the flip side I would suggest a full page image with a banner underneath. Reason being if you want to place in a LDS window the larger and simpler the image the better. A diver wearing triples or at least doubles in weekie wachie or other clear h2o would be best.
Or perhaps similar to the Aqualung catalog 3 people standing on beach about to enter with vintage rigs.

Second point- many clubs reach a growing point where to grow any farther the costs take a sudden rise. With out this input of funds the club stagnates. If NAVED is at this point I second the motion for dues. Some of us would even submit dues before becoming NAVED.

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:47 pm

Move the small photo of Tom and his camera to a larger space so you can see him better.... Put my logo there and I'd be really happy. VDH will contribute the 1st $200.00 to the project.

Perhaps Dan would like to contribute some coin and have his logo on one side as well ? It can be right by mine as far as I'm concerned.....

I think NAVED should have dues and each year you renew you get an active sticker for the back of your card.....Similar to what SSI does with my instructor card when I renew my insurance.
Site would have an ACTIVE and NON-ACTIVE memeber list.

Sorry I can't be more help on this but I'm buried in the normal work stuff and VDH business at the moment. You are welcome to anything I have that you think will help get it done right!
Doing it right should include some common sense, not just blindly following specs and instructions. .Gary D, AWAP on SB

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:53 pm

I am probably going to start another thread. The idea of dues is good but I am not ready for that yet. I could accept donations to MY paypal with the instructions in the donation the intended purpose of the donation. I do not wish to overload Bryan with every little thing. Further, it may not have been noticed, I have by proclamation appointed Joe Strickland (JES) as the first Vice President of NAVED and nobody objected including him so therefore it is.

Please--somebody start another thread, I wish to nominate (not proclaim) a secretary/treasuer. We don't need a board now, we are to small but three officers is not to much and we will worry about a board of directors well on down the road.

I like your ideas Standingup, good thoughts, thankyou. Please, let's make this happen this time. Once the dual purpose poster/brochure is completed I intend to post them out to key members and everyone will get at least a few (or more)! Key members, by that I mean I wish to spread them around to different regions so we would pick memebers who are spread about to post them around---maybe?

Along with the posters I am going to purchase one NAVED decal for each current member and I want you to put it on your car or boat. This will occur after Christmas when the posters are completed to save on postage money and efforts.

As an internet club we are in an odd position, we exist virtually but as individuals or as a gathering we are physical as well,it is the 21st century.

OK, let me ask this--opinions please---what is the intended purpose of the poster/flyer? Examples, is it to seek members, publicity, to brag, just announce that we are here and we are real? What do we want the poster to do for us has some bearing on it's design.



Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:18 pm

Nemrod wrote:OK, let me ask this--opinions please---what is the intended purpose of the poster/flyer? Examples, is it to seek members, publicity, to brag, just announce that we are here and we are real? What do we want the poster to do for us has some bearing on it's design.

Just announce that you are here. Members will automatically come from this and bragging comes from individual members announcing they are NAVED, ie. auto stickers. When I found out there was a vintage diving group I was shocked. I'm sure there are many divers out there that would like to dive vintage but are unaware of how to obtain equipment or moral support or even instructions. JMHO

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:38 pm

How about a mission statement on the pamplet such as

To promote the history, peservation, skills and use of equiptment of the double hose regulator era.

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:15 pm


You guys think of some great stuff while most people are asleep or at work. :wink:

I think we can get a lot of mileage out of the edited flyers and NAVED stickers by having members use them as already suggested.

Another area that I have been thinking about is the need to get NAVED links on the other scuba sites and on the search engines. This should really help to boost the "hits" to the site.

However, we still have a lot of work to do to the NAVED site in order to really capture the imagination of the potential future members.

Please think about what you would like to see on NAVED, because as the old saying goes, "you only get one chance to make a good first impression".

Remember, we are all salesmen and our product is Vintage Equipment Diving. 8)
NAVED Master Diver #108
'Anima Sana In Corpore Sano’

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