- Once a year for the past several years, I sit down and schedule the vintage dive trips planned for me and my buddies up here in the Midwest. It always begins as a penciled in set of dates... Open to change. But it always ends up being the actual dates... Unchanged. I think the reason for this is because it gives us a chance to capture those dates before they get taken by some other activity.
- MARK THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR... So you'll already be planning to come diving on those dates!

2025 Vintage Dive Events
February 11th - Sea Hunt Night, Aqua Venture, Mpls, MN - Contact Sea Hunt Jerry
February 16th - Pool dive, 1-3 PM, Discovery Pool, Alex, MN - Contact SurfLung
April 9-13 Sand Dog 2.0 Florida - Contact Roger RoboHips or Allan Klauda
May 2-3 Wazee Lake, Black River Falls, MN
May 30-June1 Fortune Pond, Crystal Falls, MI
June 27-29 Fortune Pond, Crystal Falls, MI
July 25-27 Fortune Pond, Crystal Falls, MI
August 22-23 Fortune Pond, Crystal Falls, MI
Sept 26-27 Fortune Pond, Crystal Falls, MI
- Note: This is the "Fall Colors" Trip... Biggest event of the year!
Why Always Fortune Pond? Well, Fortune is always better diving conditions than everywhere else. Wazee is overrun with swimmers. Orebegone is hit an miss on visibility... And also overrun with swimmers. Crosby Ironton Pits can sometimes be good but for some the drive is as far as Fortune, which is always better. So...
- Feedback is welcome. These dates are on my calendar in pencil right now and can be erased, changed, etc. Let me know!