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Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:08 pm
by ScubaLawyer
I introduce you to the Voit VR-1 “Sea Hunter” model. So rare only one was made.

The chrome was buffed on the thighs of virgins to a high polish.

The green hoses were hand-formed by dwarf elves in a dungeon in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The single o-ring, main diaphragm and various assorted parts were acquired through a rift in the very fabric of space-time in Wesley Chapel, Florida.

Originally this very special regulator was presented to Lloyd Bridges who personally used it in every episode of Sea Hunt. It was later acquired by the Cousteau family and was in the Captain’s cabin on every voyage of the Calypso. In 1969 it was loaned to NASA. Neil Armstrong carried it with him in the Lunar Excursion Module to the surface of the moon. Upon Armstrong’s return it was reunited with Captain Cousteau who later traded it for two pounds of Betel nuts in Micronesia. Thereafter it was lost to the ages and its very existence fell out of the minds of men. Discovered in 2017 in a dusty garage sale bin, red betel nut stains still on the cans, it was lovingly restored to its original magnificence (sans the virgin thigh buffing as no virgins were to be found). *

Come one, come all. Feast your eyes on history itself.


* (No virgins, dwarf elves, historical figures, Micronesians or cities in Ohio or Florida were harmed in the making of this regulator. The rend in the fabric of space-time was successfully mended using duct tape).

Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:59 pm
by antique diver
Mark, that's a beautiful regulator....
but, you might consider backing off a bit on the betel nut use. It can make you goofy and stain your teeth. :?

Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:03 pm
by ScubaLawyer
antique diver wrote:Mark, that's a beautiful regulator....
but, you might consider backing off a bit on the betel nut use. It can make you goofy and stain your teeth. :?

Too late. :shock:

Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:58 am
by SurfLung
No more virgins? DANG!

Kidding aside... Really nice job on that reg. Can I ask what you are doing for chrome plating (since Dave doesn't do it anymore)?

Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:39 am
by ScubaLawyer
SurfLung wrote: Really nice job on that reg. Can I ask what you are doing for chrome plating (since Dave doesn't do it anymore)?
Thanks Eben. Took me a while but the rebuild finally came together. As for re-chroming I found a small shop in Santa Ana, CA. The guy knows zero about diving or regulators but he did a fantastic job. Looks like he usually does motorcycle and auto parts. He charged $45 to strip and re-chrome just the exhaust can. Don't know how that compares to anything as this is the first one i've had done. On the other hand, I went to three other shops first and was universally told my job was too small. I told my guy i had friends with similar projects that live all over the country and his response was that he didn't turn down business, no matter how small. It did take him about 5 weeks to get enough small jobs together to do mine, but he did great work. I can give you or anyone that wants it his contact info. Just let me know. Mark

Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:05 am
by Nemrod
Now that is bad axx. Great work, a fine accomplishment for sure.

Were any men in black involved? Any memories erased :shock: .


Re: Rare Voit VR-1 "Sea Hunter" Model

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:50 am
by ScubaLawyer
Nemrod wrote:Now that is bad axx. Great work, a fine accomplishment for sure.

Were any men in black involved? Any memories erased :shock: .

Thanks Nem. Now look here. Mark :D