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Phoenix has landed

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:10 pm
by simonbeans

After almost five years of family crisis, workplace reassignments, and some procrastinating on my part, the Phoenix has landed.


Counting the days till I can test it.

Re: Phoenix has landed

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:32 pm
by Ron

I think I remember you saying that you dive at Dutch Springs in PA. My family lives up there, so if you put together a time over the summer where you get a minute to dive up there, then if you want a buddy I will go with you. I have to bust out the hydroglove this summer at some point :) Just let me know if you want a buddy.

Re: Phoenix has landed

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:50 pm
by jamiep3
I'm about a 2:15 drive, from Dutch, but then I'm at least a 2 hour drive from anywhere to dive most of the year. I work on rotating shift work, I usually dive Dutch mid week. Avoids the crowds and viz is usually better. I'm tied up at work till the third week in May, but after that, shoot me a PM if you want to dive, and I'll try to coordinate my schedule.