Hello all,
The Pennington Family has approved us to continue to run and administer the site. Rob and I will be doing that. You will see that I updated the about us page as a memorial to Bryan. I kept exactly what he wrote and only changed the tense, and then added some content about him. I removed the old email addresses as nobody monitors them anyone. I shuttered and removed the web store.
VDH will remain a forum, catalog repo, etc. Since it is not a business anymore, Rob will be selling any parts that people need through his own store, which he owned before Bryan passed away.
Happy to answer any questions people have. The domain is renewed for 5 years, so it ain't going anywhere.
As someone who has been here since 2008, it's my pleasure to continue to run VDH for you. When I started here, I was 28. I'm now old enough that I cannot get promoted anymore because there are not jobs above the one I'm in lol.
We need someone to take over approving newly registered users. Volunteer for admin duty or be voluntold.