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NAVED Board Nominations?????? Thoughts

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:23 am
by Nemrod
Right now NAVED has no organization or heirarchy. I suppose we need to discuss a Board of Directors. I think for the moment that person is me. I was hoping to have nominations for four board members. The Chairman would be a tie breaker in any votes. Length of terms to be decided. So, anyway, I think I need nominations for four board memebers.

The board would draft rules, study incorporation, determine perhaps if it ever comes down to it expulsions ( :( ). They also would set in place the framework for elections and other decison making processes. The membership could then adopt the boards plans or provide some other suggestions for the boards consideration. Ultimately, the goal is becoming an organization/club to help provide legitamacy and a home base to vintage divers, that is my thought.

I thought to have four board members because we are still very small. In time the board can be larger to reflect a larger memebership if need be.

I do not intend for this to become a complicated or "rule bound" moribund, dogmatic, non inclusive clique. We don't have to become anything more than the "fun" club we are now other than perhaps larger. So, it is up to y'all really to decide the character of NAVED. One other thing, unlike some of the other vintage and antique divng groups we are born of the internet, we have no specific local to call home, in some ways the internet is our home.


Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:35 am
by Bryan
Quite a few great people out there that will do a great job....Just a couple of thoughts..... Tom Madere, Stephen Taylor, James Williams, Roger Miller, Frans Carlson. All of them are active members of the community and have enhanced Vintage Equipmet Diving for all of us.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:42 pm
by captain
I think what we need is a vision of what NAVED will look like in 5 years. What is our long term goal and what will we have to do the achieve it. Will we be only a historical and techinical repository for information or will we venture into the educational area if not with an instructor based program but possibly a NAVED text on vintage diving techniques.

With the upcoming vintage weekend at Portage Quarry I thought what if it or a similar event could involve coverage by the History Channel with Chatterton and Lieb. That would be great exposure for NAVED.

Another idea is NAVED flyers distributed to dive shops.

And last is revenues. Do we start at sometime requiring dues from the members to fund NAVED projects.


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:23 am
by Bryan
All good questions Tom.....And ones that must be explored.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:41 pm
by JES
Bryan wrote:Quite a few great people out there that will do a great job....Just a couple of thoughts..... Tom Madere, Stephen Taylor, James Williams, Roger Miller, Frans Carlson. All of them are active members of the community and have enhanced Vintage Equipmet Diving for all of us.
I second Bryan's motion.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:08 am
by Nemrod
I belong to a number of different organizations. My favorite is the EAA, Experimental Aircraft Association. It is huge. I belonged to a small dirt bike club, it was--ah--small. The EAA is open to anyone interested in airplaness and the dirt bike club required a members recomendation and once a member you had to swear an oath--lol.
Anyways, it is time to kick all this around and get some thoughts going on it. I like the idea of eventually having a textbook for no other reason than to preserve the history of vintage diving and it's techniques that are different from modern instruction.