Aquala1 wrote:I echo Rob here...I was thinking that NAVED dwindled too. Let me get a decent pic of me in my gear, and I'll join up.
Russ, what did the PADI vintage specialty entail?
Be a certified OW diver through a recognized agency, demonstrate knowledge of the history (1930s to 1970) of goggle/skin/aqualung/scuba diving, demonstrate an understanding of double hose regulators (principles of operation) and how they differ from modern regulators, demonstrate proper use of dive tables (RDP only NO eRDPs), demonstrated competency in doff UW, surface, dive and don vintage DH equipment (UW using DH regulator tank, strap harness, or vintage tank pack, weight belt, mask and fins), regulator placement, clearing procedures (regulator partially flooded and fully flooded), buddy breathing with a DH regulator, diving competency (buoyancy adjustment) w/o a BCD, use and difference in tanks and tank valves, principles of "J" valve operation, double hose regulator types and their peculiarities (upstream, downstream, balanced, unbalanced, double and single stage), maintenance of vintage equipment, diver must use equipment or viable modern substitute (reproduction/refurbished) of equipment available from 1970 and prior, mask clearing techniques (equalizing and non-equalizing types), DH troubleshooting, gauge types (capillary, open Bourdon, closed (oil filled) Bourdon and diaphragm), SPGs and Banjo fittings, etc... Alec gave me a lot of credit due to my originally diving DH gear back in the early 1970s as well as various videos I have on Youtube demonstrating the above either in the pool or out in the Red Sea to include regulators I have re-built, etc...
I hereby formally eat my words about PADI never allowing a Vintage Double Hose specialty certification in a post I did about 3 years ago!! Eating Words, eating words!!!!!