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Modern Triples

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:11 pm
by Redshirt77
Hi everyone,

With my diving season pretty much over this year I've been contemplating a new rig to open up next season with. I happened upon 3 faber steel lp50s a few weeks ago and I bet you can see where I'm going with this. I've been talking with Captain over the last few days about a way to manifold the tanks together but today I was browsing the net and came across "Well Marine Diver". In their catalog i happened to spy this: So I'm wondering if combining that with this: and adding another crossbar from their catalog would give me a serviceable triple manifold with a slightly offset outlet.

Does anyone more knowledgeable than me (not that difficult :| ) have any opinions or thoughts on this? Also, anyone who might have dove a manifold with a slightly off-center outlet like this would turn out to be, is it very uncomfortable with a DH regulator or is it not too bad?

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:58 am
by rhwestfall
sorry for the hijack, but you just made my day!!!! The rebreather manifold is my answer to a twinset with a single center outlet. My PRAM is DIN, and I have the DIN for my Kraken should I decide to convert it. I ca use this manifold with my DH as well as a single modern first stage, and also break it down to singles. Didn't know that this even existed!!!!!

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:36 pm
by Redshirt77
No problem, let me know if you find a place to actually purchase one. I don't think they sell retail directly and I'm striking out on finding someone who actually carries it.

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:00 pm
by rhwestfall
Randy at Piranha carries some of their products. He might be a source. Please let me know if that is an option, or if you find someone. I'll do the same too....

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:46 am
by captain
Joseph contacted me about the triple manifold I had made in the past for the older Luxfer 30 cu/ft 4.7" diameter tanks. I told him the 5.5" D Faber 50's he had were not really favorable because the diameter complicated construction and cost.
I had asked Joseph why he wanted to do 50 cu/ft doubles and his reply was he had the tanks and just wanted something to raise eyebrows and be different and that is when my old idea came back into my mind. Although not exactly vintage it would be in the spirit of Cousteau's original triples that held one tank as a reserve.
I suggested a concept I had never acted apron which was based on some of Cousteau's tanks. I suggest that 2 of the tanks be manifolded together to create 100 cu/ft doubles and the third tank be tied into the manifolded doubles as a 50 cu/ft reserve with an isolation valve. The reserve tank would be mounted upside down with the isolation valve located at either the left or right hip for easy access. All manifolding would be done with HP stainless steel tubing and fitting and a modified USD J60 and two modified K valves. At this point I have pretty much finalized all the valves, fitting and tubing to do the project. All that remains are suitable bands to tie the cylinders together.

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:27 pm
by Redshirt77
Really looking forward to seeing how everything will fit together.

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:37 pm
by captain
Modified K valve with adapter and tubing fitting for reserve tank.


On left modified K valve with tubing fitting for left side tank. Center top, 2 tube fittings on opposite side of a J 60 for center tank. Bottom right modified K valve, adapter and tubing fitting for reserve tank.


Tubing will run from left tank into left side of J 60 on center tank, tubing will run up from upside down right reserve tank into right side of J 60.

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:38 am
by Bryan
Even this far away it looks like a great plan!

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Re: Modern Triples

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:17 am
by EHowe
I am watching this with great interest. I have been using double 50's as my goto set up for the last couple of years. I sometimes sling a 30 when going deep. Can't wait to see how this shakes out