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Herman's ScubaPro Lever Height Adjustment Tool

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:18 am
by couv
ScubaPro Lever Height Adjustment Tool review.

I recently received my 109/BA/G250 lever height adjustment tool from Herman. First I’ll cover the other tools that came with the kit.

Piston Bullet

The Delrin piston bullet is well machined, much easier to use than tape or a straw, and simplifies the installation of the piston. This simple tool prevents damage to the piston stem o-ring.

MK 5 Turret Retainer Socket

The MK 5 turret retainer socket fits perfectly into the cap and onto the retainer bolt because the end has been machined absolutely square. I found it more precise than either the 11/16th socket I modified or a Craftsman socket because this deep socket requires no extension.

Lever Height Adjustment Tool

One of the issues with a single adjustment, barrel poppet design is that the lever height cannot be adjusted without affecting the cracking pressure. Maximum lever height is vital to produce proper poppet/orifice separation and overall gas flow. Therefore, having the lever at the optimal angle and height is a huge plus when tuning a single adjustment second stage assembly.

What constitutes optimal lever height? IMHO optimal lever height is achieved when the cracking pressure adjustments can be made with an open case and little or no further adjustments are required after the installation of the other second stage components, i.e. the diaphragm and covers-this clever tool facilitates just that.

I tried my new toy on a few levers and I’m happy to report it works very well. However there are a couple of important exceptions. First, it does not work on the newest lever as the curly feet do not fit into the adjustment slots. Perhaps a modification will allow that-but usually the newest levers don’t require adjustment. Next; while it works well on the large tab (foot) levers, it still does not compensate for the incompatibility of that lever and the new duro poppet. This is not a fault of the tool, but don’t purchase it thinking you’ll solve the compatibility problem. It does make proper lever angle adjustments, but you must use the older style poppet with a unitized poppet and seat.

So to whom do I recommend this tool? If you’re just maintaining or upgrading one or two regulators, then the purchase of a new lever, poppet, and spring would make more sense. However, if you service ScubaPro regulators for a shop or you’re in the bad habit of salvaging every 109/BA/G250 you can get your hands on, you'll find this jewel a much welcomed addition to your tool box.

To get yours contact Herman directly at [email protected]