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Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:39 am
by DaleC
A member of the club brought in this for show and tell. NIB. The first stage is very simple and screws into the valve like a DIN. I assume one needed a similar valve to make it work. The pressure checker is just a button/pony style gauge that also screws in the same way.




Re: Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:15 am
by Herman
The "AIRFLO" a DIN wannabe I guess. If you down load the 70 Healthways catalog, it is in it. The gauge was a an additional $12.....a $13 value according to the ad. :)
Later in the catalog, there is an optional yoke adapter and it discusses the new Healthways valves all coming threaded to accomidate both the Airflo and standard yoke regs. I would like to play with one but so far the ones of these that have come up on ebay are more expensive than I care to play with. A have yet to see one of the threaded valves so even if you find an Airflo, you still need to find one of the valves.....still, a toy I would like to play with some day.

Re: Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:41 am
by luis
I have one (maybe a couple) of those valves. They look just like the other Healtways J valves, but when you look closely their is a hole just inside the O-ring that is threaded.

I have also kept an eye for one of those regulators, but they fairly rare.

IMO, they fall in the category of a bad idea and I am glad that it never became popular.

Re: Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:45 am
by Herman
I agree, it does not really seem practical but still, it is different (odd?) enough to have a cool factor to it which is the reason I would like to have one.

Re: Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:49 am
by luis
Don't get me wrong... I would like to have one also. Then again, I also own a US Divers Deepstar-II... talking a bout bad ideas.

They are great conversation pieces.

Re: Healthways oddity?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:19 am
by DaleC
Yes, caused some discussion at the meeting. The member bought it at a flea market for $5.

Off line for about a week so I won't reply any more.